Publication of Inspector’s Reports on the Surrey Minerals Plan Core Strategy and Primary Aggregates Development Plan Documents
The Inspector’s Reports on the Surrey Minerals Plan Core Strategy and Primary Aggregates Development Plan Documents (DPDs) have been published on Surrey County Council’s website. The public hearings on the DPDs were held between October 2010 and January 2011 before an independent Planning Inspector, Ms Mary O'Rourke. The Inspector has concluded that both DPDs are 'sound' subject to some changes which are set out in her reports.
On 21st June, the SCC Cabinet was asked to recommend the County Council to adopt the Core Strategy and Primary Aggregates DPDs with the changes.
The DPDs provide a policy framework and identify areas for future mineral development in the county to 2026. Minerals from Surrey are used for a variety of purposes including the construction and maintenance of houses, roads and schools and for specialist uses such as glass making. The DPDs provide policies against which any future planning applications will be considered to ensure that future mineral development takes place without significant impacts on communities and the environment.
The main areas affecting Runnymede are the Whitehall Farm and Milton Park Farm in Egham, and the Hamm Court sites which have all been included as future potential gravel extraction sites. However, it is good news that the 10 acre field in Thorpe has been removed as a potential site.